Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wed class

Digitized the Tarot card section.

Modernism/Postmodernism In Class Discussion 
            For my senior studio project I am creating a video.  My video is going to be about how humans destroyed the world.  Modernist did not like how photography changed art so my piece would not be art for arts sake.  My piece has a postmodernist view because of the format that it is in. 
            My video “The End” is about borrowing information and putting it in new contexts.  My video is a story about humans destroying the earth, which has been seen before so the challenge in my piece is to express this story in my own unique different way.  I am also using different mediums to complete this project.  I am using drawing, digital imaging, cinematography, and effects to create this piece.  This video art does not need prior knowledge before viewing it.  Anyone can watch this without a prior message and either take it for what the actual message is or just appreciate the beauty in the shots and effects that are created. 
            I prefer art that does not have a meaning other than being beautiful.  I don’t like how some artist’s crumble up a piece of paper and then try to recreate that and call it art.  Unless it is described in the gallery that the artist recreated the look and the time it took to do it would I really appreciate the work.  In my work I just want it to be pretty.  I don’t think that it has to have an underlying message although if it is pretty and does have an underlying message I think is even better and more appealing.  

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